Jane Tabachnick & Co

The Best Gifts – Ones You Give Yourself

Screen shot 2014-12-21 at 12.21.38 PMThe best gift, or gifts, are sometimes the ones you can give yourself. So as we come to the end of the year and the beginning of a fabulous new one, with all its great possibilities……. I ask you to consider this:

“Hard Now, Easy Later…… Easy Now, Hard Later”

When I heard the very wise Debi Silber, the Mojo Coach, say this at an event recently, it really left an impression on me. For example. Peace of mind and a sound, solid business.

Huh? You may be thinking. If you are one of those people who go to sleep going over your to do list….. instead of counting sheep… imagine being able to drift off to sleep, knowing your list is short, and that you have taken care of the most critical business details. That leads to good, sound and peaceful sleep. Awesome. I’ll take more of that kind of sleep, and I bet you will too!

That tech issue that sidetracked me this week- 10 of my websites got hacked. A malicious malaware was able to infiltrate them. Perhaps it was my fault, maybe there was nothing I could have done about it.

All I know is that when you went to one of my sites you got a red warning page…..not the way you want anyone to think of your brand. Ever. Even if they recognize its not your own fault.

You see, at times. I opted for Easy now……Not that planning publicity is hard……. or the tasks I am about to share…. What can be hard is allocating the time to JUST get it done!

My sometimes taking the ‘easy now’ approach, lead to this week when I paid the price. You see, on my list of to –do’s was to set up a backup process for my websites. For some reason my host company stopped backing them up… and despite knowing that I could lose all the content, the images, and my online business in a heartbeat….. I did nothing.

So when I got hit with the malaware….the first question the tech folks I consulted with to help solve the problem asked was…. Do you have your sites backed up?

Luckily, I was able to save the majority of my content without a backup, but that might not have been the case. Had I added additional security measures that had been recommended to me months ago, maybe I would not have been hacked. $425 later and I am back online, backed up and with additional security.

In an effort to insure you have a most joyous holiday season, as well as the most prosperous, stress free and wonderful 2015, I invite you to take the time to do the things that just tend to stay on your to do list…… do them now. I invite you to have an easy, joyous and prosperous 2015.

Whether its planning for your publicity and content for the year – now, or more basic housekeeping like website and computer back ups. Make them a priority. It’s like insurance for your business and you deserve to have peace of mind.

Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Bill Gates

What are you planning for 2015? I’d love to know. Please post in the comments below.

To your publicity success! And all things Joyous, Easy, Prosperous and a Sound Business in 2015



P.S. Here are two articles on backing up your site

WordPress Website Backups

Backup Your Word Press Site to Dropbox