Jane Tabachnick & Co

An Introvert Moment with Audrey Hepburn


I just wanted to share with you the most surreal and amusing experience I had the other night, as I think you will appreciate this.

My daughter, a college student, went apple picking and was dropped off at our house to deliver my favorite McCouns – a local variety you only get for a short period in early fall. Yum!

After driving Mel back to her apartment at college the other night, I decided to go through a few local towns before getting on the turnpike to drive home.

As I was driving down the main street of this small New Jersey town, projected on the wall of a building was the image to the left.

Whoa. I did a double take. Was that Audrey Hepburn I was seeing?  Good thing there were no other cars around, as my attention was drawn to her, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

You see, what makes this moment even more special and delicious, is that as I was researching material for PR for Introverts, I had just read the following:

“I’m an introvert. Playing the extroverted girl was the hardest thing I ever did”, Audrey Hepburn was quoted as saying in regard to her role in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, which she referred to as her biggest challenge.

And yet Hepburn nailed that role and countless other ones, including serving as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador who-though an introvert-tirelessly spoke out for those underprivileged children who couldn’t speak for themselves.

So Audrey had been on my mind recently. Turns out , Highland Park NJ was thinking of her as well.  It was outdoor cinema night there and they were showing the movie Charade, in which Hepburn starred alongside Cary Grant.

Coincidence, synchronicity? An introvert moment?However you look at it, it’s a moment I’ll always remember and enjoy. So much so I had to share it.

If Audrey Hepburn can go “feel the fear and do it anyway”, so my friends, can you!

To your publicity success!
