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Find the Perfect Nonfiction Book Writing Coach – Increase Your Book’s Success

non fiction book writing coachHiring a non-fiction book writing coach can help you easily develop a fledgling book concept into a solid outline, book draft, and finally, a published, successful book

What is a book writing coach?

Specialized writing coaches, also referred to as book coaches or book sherpas, help aspiring authors by guiding them through the book-writing process. They may also help with book publishing and promotion. Working with a book writing coach can help you with your book strategy, developing a book outline, staying organized, keeping you motivated, and holding you accountable. Book writing coaches are not editors, though some may read portions of your work and provide feedback.

Working with a book coach can help make the publishing process simpler and easier to navigate.

The benefits of working with a non-fiction book writing coach

If you’re looking to write a book, you may be wondering if hiring a non-fiction book writing coach is right for you. In general, when you hire a coach, you’re hiring someone with expertise in the subject matter to help you achieve your goals. That’s exactly what a non-fiction book writing coach does. Though not all non-fiction book writing coaches are alike. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of working with a non-fiction book writing coach, as well as what to look for when you hire one.

If you have the desire, the drive, and the passion to write a book but don’t know where to start, hiring a non-fiction book writing coach can help you go from idea to published author. Since most of them know the entire book-writing process, the right coach can help you navigate it with ease, so you don’t have to do it alone.

An added benefit of a nonfiction book writing coach for business building books, is a coach who has experience and know-how in marketing and promotion. With these skills, they will be able to help you think about how to create a book that will move you towards your author goals more easily, and build these into both your book content and your marketing activities early on.

Why do people want to hire a book coach?

Many people dream of writing a book, and yet a very small percentage write their book and an even smaller percentage go on to publish their book.

There can be many reasons for this from:

  • Not knowing where or how to start
  • Not knowing how to turn your idea or content into a cohesive book
  • Not having a clear vision and plan and getting lost along the way
  • Getting writer’s block or getting stuck and not knowing what to do to move past it
  • Self-doubt creeping in and stopping you

Good nonfiction book writing coaches can help you avoid many of these potential obstacles, as well as overcome them if they arise. Some aspiring authors feel they need the accountability of having a dedicated writing coach to keep them on track. Authors also hire a writing coach for their expert guidance in book writing, publishing, and promotion. They know that writing a book is a big undertaking and want to position themselves for success. Hiring a writing coach gives authors a better chance of completing their book, publishing it, and achieving the goals they set for themselves with their book. A book coach can also help authors validate their ideas. 

Not all nonfiction book writing coaches are the same

Book writing coaches have different backgrounds and service offerings as well as individual personalities. It is important to understand these before deciding on a coach so that you choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few examples of writing coaches:

  • Focus solely on your book writing and editing
  • Help you with your writing and focus on helping you write a book proposal for a traditional publishing deal
  • Offer book writing, self-publishing, and launch or promotion support

Coaches who focus on the writing and editing of your book can be a big help to make sure that your content is of the highest quality and represents you and your work. For nonfiction, business-building books, these coaches may not offer any insight into or guidance into creating a book that will help grow your business or any strategy for your book’s promotion.

How to choose the right nonfiction book coach

If you’ve decided that hiring a coach to help you write your book is right for you, the next step is to choose the right coach. How do you pick the perfect nonfiction book writing coach? The first thing you want to do is ask yourself what your goals are. What do you want to achieve by hiring a coach to help you write your book? Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to get more clients or increase the reach of your message? Once you know what you want to achieve, the next step is to do your research. A good place to start is with online reviews. There are many online review sites where you can read reviews from other clients who have worked with a coach before. You can also ask other authors of business books if they used a coach, what their experience was, and who they recommend. 

Working With a Nonfiction Book Writing Coach to Maximize Results

When you work with a nonfiction book writing coach, you want to make sure you get the most out of the experience. The best way to do that is to follow these four tips for coaching success. First, have a clear vision for the book you’re writing. Some nonfiction book writing coaches like me will work with you to gain total clarity around your book idea. The clearer your vision, the easier it will be for your coach to help guide you. 

Next, be open to feedback. Your coach is there to help you and he or she can only do that if you’re open to feedback. Sometimes authors fall in love with an aspect of their books – such as a title or a cover, that doesn’t align with their vision and goals for their book, yet they are reluctant to let it go. 

Knowing your author goals before your write your book is a large factor in creating a book that will help you achieve them. If your book writing coach doesn’t offer a book marketing strategy, consider consulting with a book marketing professional in the early stages of your book planning, to ensure that you incorporate key elements into your book and know what you will need to do to promote it, both before and after you publish your book.

 Finally, be committed to the process. It takes time to write a book. You’re not going to write a book in a month or two. Be committed to the process and see it through to the end. Know that it is normal to get frustrated or run into a block; that is what your coach is there for – to help you overcome any obstacles and to make the process a better and easier one while guiding you across the finish line.

Tips for Coaching Success

There are two things you can do to ensure coaching success. First, define the process: What does the coaching process look like? How will it work? What will you be doing every step of the way? What does your coach expect from you? What can you expect from your coach? Next, have realistic expectations: What are the milestones you need to hit during the coaching process? 

The Writing Process with A Nonfiction Book Writing Coach

The writing process with a nonfiction book writing coach is pretty straightforward. After you hire a coach, you’ll sit down with them and determine to create your book blueprint [to learn more about our self-publishing blueprint process – listen to our podcast The Self Publishing Blueprint.] You’ll also want to discuss your goals and the target audience you want to reach. Deciding on your publishing path – traditional, hybrid, or self-published will help you determine some of the necessary steps. Once you’ve decided on a book concept and goals, the coach will help you outline your book. Many coaches follow a process called “segmenting.” In layman’s terms, this process simply means breaking down your book into digestible pieces. 

Once you have a solid outline, it’s time to start writing, with guidance from your coach.

The publishing process with a nonfiction book writing coach

Now that you’ve written your book and have proofread, edited, and rewritten it until you’re happy with it, it’s time to publish a book. This process varies depending on the publishing path you choose to publish your book, as well as whether your coach includes publishing as part of their services. Some coaches will help you self-publish your book, while others may help you write a book proposal so that you can pursue a traditional publishing deal. That is why it is helpful to know the publishing path you want to pursue before hiring a book writing coach.


If you’re looking to write a book, you may be wondering if hiring a nonfiction book writing coach is right for you. In general, when you hire a coach, you’re hiring someone with expertise in the subject matter to help you achieve your goals.

“Stay in your zone of Genius and just hire Jane. I was able to see how to monetize using a book, and it has generated almost six figures worth of revenue to date.”

 Wei Houng, Author, CEO of HumanOPs Technologies

 That’s exactly what a nonfiction book writing coach does. A nonfiction book writing coach is an experienced writing coach who helps guide you through the entire process of writing a book. In doing so, you can easily develop a fledgling book concept into a solid outline, book draft and finally, a published, successful book. If you hire a nonfiction book writing coach, you have a resource who understands the entire book-writing process and can help you navigate it with ease.

To find out more about our nonfiction book coaching servicesstart here

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