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how to choose a bestselling book title

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How to Come Up With a Bestselling Book Topic in 90 Minutes

Many authors struggle to pick the right topic for their book. 


They may have a number of book ideas and aren’ t sure which one to write. Or they have an idea and it needs refinement.

Before putting in the time to write your book, you want to feel confident that you have picked the right topic.

What makes for a winning book topic?

During the workshop we’ll share our insights with you and then you’ll use our proven formula for coming up with a great book topic – one that will help you write a successful, business building book.

Join us for a hands-on virtual workshop and get started working on your book.

Here is what clients say about working with us:

Jane is a wealth of information. She is really a one-stop resource for book writing. She has the experience and expertise to help anyone get their first book written. It would take you a lifetime to learn all of the wisdom and understanding Jane possesses with relation to book strategy and coaching. I highly encourage you to tap into her before someone famous discovers her – then we won’t be able to afford her anymore. Ha! 

Frederica A. Peterson, Leadership & Diversity Consultant, Author Breakthrough Leadership 

I was able to get the structure of my book right, and then to actually get it written and published. Had I not engaged Jane, I am certain I would not be a published author today.

Wendy Ryan, CEO Kadabra, Author Learn Lead Lift – a 3X Book Award Finalist

I can honestly say, I never could have done this without her. There are simply not enough superlatives to describe Jane!

Marya Triandafellos, Consultant and Visual Artist, Author Career X

I’d like to give a shout out to Jane and Simply Good Press for helping me get my fifth book to #1 status on Kindle. They were able to help us get our books into the right categories so that we could also get the paperback to #1 in a total of five categories, which was a really big deal.

Janie Jurkovitch, Author The Unimagined Awakening and 5 other books

Jane is a wealth of knowledge about ALL aspects of publicity! In addition, I love that everything she teaches is actionable and connected to something I can implement right away.

I now have a publicity strategy – a system – to get publicity for my brand and my book. It may sound simple but – I know what to do now! That’s a huge result for me because now I’m empowered to create my own results. Since working with Jane, I am now frequently mentioned in articles by others (third party credibility!) including higher profile sources than I ever thought would notice me. Her knowledge and strategies work when you work them!

Christine WhitmarshMemoir Writing Expert and Author The Power of the Curve